Council offers free training for young people on worker’s rights in the hospitality sector

The free two week course include theoretical and practical training to prepare the students for employment in the sector.


Sunday 8th May 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – Ajuntament de Xàbia

The Department of Youth in Xàbia is offering a free training course on worker’s right specifically aimed at young people between 16 and 30 years of age who intend to work in the hospitality sector over the coming summer.

Responsible councillor Montse Villaverde explained that this sector triples the employment potential during the summer high season since it offers a vast number of temporary jobs, many of which are filled with local young people taking advantage of making some money during the school holidays.

The councillor said that this temporary nature of these jobs often means that several different problems arise, such as the difficulties that companies have in finding qualified personnel and job insecurity caused by abuse. Thus, the local council has developed this training to provide young people with knowledge specific to develop themselves professionally in the sector as well as understand their rights, where to set the limits, and what are the employer’s obligations.

The course will run from Monday 23rd May until Friday 3rd June from 4.00pm until 8.00pm under the direction of Luisa Fernanda Murillo who, in addition to the basic theoretical and practical training, will provide a link between the students and businesses who are interested in hiring them. And in order to get some basic experience, Ca Rosa has agreed to provide its facilities for practical training. A total of 14 places are available and registration will open on Tuesday 10th May at 9.00am via this online link.

Councillor Villaverde, who is also responsible for Education, added that the training is also an opportunity for young people who left the education system but have not yet joined the labour market to train to work over the summer period.

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