A six-month contract worth almost 160,000 euros had been awarded to develop a technical survey for future investment.

AYTO·Sewers 111223

Xàbia Council has initiated an engineering study of the sanitation and drainage network in the town in order to confirm its condition and the specific locations of the pipework by awarding a six-month contract to Ingeniería y Gestión del Territorio for 159,720 euros.

Specifically, the study will collect data for the conditions and exact positions of all the manholes, filter systems and pumping wells of the sewage network as well as the guttering of the rainwater drainage networks to produce a topographical survey of the entire network in the municipal which will be adapted to a GIS geographic information resource. This documentation will then be available to the municipal technical departments for future reference.

The responsible councillor, José Marcos Pons (Vox), explained that the study will be allow the local council to make decisions on improving the networks, particularly sanitation, which have not been given adequate attention in recent years. He added that the objective is to draft a sanitation plan that will be the roadmap to allocate council funding to the network each year and that the local government’s commitment to improve it across the municipality comes from a “responsibility for our future” whilst being required by current regulations.

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