Council gives green light for tax suspensions in 2023

The Council also approved a 50% bonus for historic vehicles in addition to the current one for electric cars (75% and hybrids (50

Votación pleno Xàbia

Monday 14th November 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

Xàbia Council held an extraordinary plenary session to agree on the different tax measures for 2023 to support residents and small businesses. The proposal was agreed, although the councillors from Compromís abstained, and the collection of rubbish tax, both for individuals and companies, will be suspended next year, in order to support the people of Xàbia in the face of the rising cost of living, increased energy prices and the uncertainty caused by global crisis.

Other fees that have been unanimously agreed by the council are the suspension of that charged for the municipal nursery service, a saving of 165 euros, amounting to 1,155 euros for the entire course) and the suspension of the charge for the business opening licence, a decision with which it is hoped that business creation will be stimulated.

In addition to this measures, a new tax credit on vehicles was also approved and, to those already in force of up to 75% – the legal limit – on electric vehicles and 50% on hybrid vehicles, there will be a 50% discount for those vehicles which are classified as historical.

These measures are part of the extraordinary response plan that Xàbia Council to respond to the situation of generalized inflation that is currently being experienced and for which it has reserved a total of 10 million euros.

In addition to decisions on tax matters, €300,000 has also been put aside for direct aid to companies as well as measures and campaigns to promote local commerce, for example, through monthly consumer bonuses or other initiatives.

The Social Services budget available for emergency aid to people in a situation of special vulnerability is reinforced up to 1.3 million and another 1.1 million has been reserved for a new social employment plan.

Original Article: El Ayuntamiento de Xàbia da luz verde a la suspensión de las tasas de la basura, la escoleta municipal y la apertura de negocios en 2023

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