Council attends to Camí dels Castellans to reduce traffic movement issues

The abandonment of the project to connect the zone to the main sewer by the contractor will be addressed as soon as possible.


Thursday 14th July 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

The Department of Town Planning has been attending to Camí dels Castellans to improve traffic safety. Over the past few days, potholes have been filled in, gravel removed and the raised gaps that had been left around the manholes removed.

It is expected that it will be reopened to traffic on Thursday morning. However, it must be taken into account that it is a temporary fix, so the speed limit has to be reduced to 20kph, suitable for any zone under construction.

The Councilor for Urban Planning, Pepa Gisbert, explained that the council has carried out this provisional work after the company that was carrying out the expansion of the sewer network that runs through Els Castellans has abandoned the work, leaving the road unpaved.

Gisbert has added that the technical services of the town hall are working on the termination of the contract with this company (Categor Obras y Proyectos) for having failed to meet the execution deadlines. Then the remaining work will be put out to tender again (only 150 meters of pipes remain to be installed of the 1,192 meters contemplated in the project and the road surface made good), a process that can take months, so it was necessary to intervene to guarantee minimum security residents and users of this road.

Gisbert lamented the inconvenience and problems that the company’s breach of contract has generated for the residents of the neighborhood.

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