Coastal hotels in the Comunidad Valenciana registered 87% occupancy over Easter
Tourism minister Fransesc Colomer reported that “the final balance exceeded the initial forecasts” and pointed out that “last-minute reservations have benefited the Easter campaign in our region”.

Wednesday 20th April 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – GVA Turisme
Hotel occupancy along the coast of the Comunidad Valenciana during Semana Santa and the Easter weekend has exceeded all expectations, according to data collected by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana for the nights of Thursday 14th April to Sunday 17th April inclusive.
Francesc Colomer, the regional tourism secretary, explained that the true occupancy rate of hotels along the coast was 87.49%, which is 5.6% higher than initial forecasts, indicating that the region benefited from last minute bookings, which, he added, has demonstrated the confidence of tourists in visiting the Comunidad Valenciana.
He said that the region has to take advantage of these good figures to look at retaining tourists throughout the year, showcasing the tourism options that the Comunidad Valenciana can offer as a destination which can boast a professional tourism sector, strong and committed to the visitor to the region.
Province of Castellón – Coast
Hotel Occupancy Rate: 82.69%, an increase of 7.5% on initial forecasts.
Province of Valencia – Coast
Hotel Occupancy Rate: 80.18%, an increase of 10% on initial forecasts.
The city of Valencia reported a hotel occupancy rate of 90%, an increase of 2.7% on initial forecasts.
Province of Alicante – Coast
Hotel Occupancy Rate: 80.75%, an increase of 5.7% on initial forecasts.
Benidorm reported a hotel occupancy rate of 95%, an increase of 5% on initial forecasts.
Comunidad Valenciana – Interior
Hotel Occupancy Rate: 85.22%, an increase of 10% on initial forecasts.
The Castell de Guadalest and Finestrat, tourist towns
The regional tourism secretary visited the towns of Castell de Guadalest and Finestrat, where he awarded the mayors of both towns the distinction that credits them as a Municipio Turístico de la Comunitat Valenciana.
Colomer explained that both towns exceeded all the requirements of the new Estatuto del Municipio Turístico and recognized the effort of the sector to continue advancing.
During the visit to the Castell de Guadalest, Colomer presented the distinction to the mayor, Enrique Ponsoda, and explained that “municipalities such as the Castell de Guadalest demonstrate that doing things in the direction of hospitality, sustainability, and accessibility, with a model of digital transformation, and with management bodies that can involve the private sector, respond to the new model of tourist destination that we want to recognise”.
Colomer has also visited Finestrat, where he has presented the mayor, Juan Francisco Pérez, with the distinction that accredits the destination as a regional tourist municipality.
The tourism secretary pointed out that “the changes that were introduced in the Estatuto del Municipio Turístico in 2018 seek not only to count tourists and metrics, but to present the model of tourist city that we want for the future”.
Along these lines, he stressed that “Finestrat is an example of how to transform the tourism model” and highlighted that “it occupies a position earned by its own merit in the field of avant-garde and understanding of the times we live in, which is everything less routine management”.