Ciudadanos call for local bus service to be free for all under 30s
Escriva also calls for an agreement with taxi drivers to offer similar discounts to young people.

The spokesperson for C's in Xàbia, Enrique Escrivá, in an image provided by his team.
Friday 7th October 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: XAD
The Ciudadanos councilor in Xàbia, Enrique Escrivá, has called that the local government carry out the “appropriate steps” with the Department of Mobility so that the local bus service is free for young people under 30 years of age in the municipality until end of the year, in the same way that has been announced for public transport across the Comunidad Valenciana.
Escrivá explained in a statement that he made his request to the plenary session held at the end of last month because it will be “one more way to continue fighting inflation and ease the burden of many young people, and at the same time be an incentive for sustainable mobility, especially after another year without the local council having promoted any measure to promote sustainable mobility, neither for the European Mobility Week, nor practically during the rest of the year”.
Escrivá added that, despite the fact that the local bus service is not a municipal but regional responsibility, “there should be no problem in achieving free transportation, especially after the announcement by the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, about free transport public” on the metro, tram and bus lines of the Generalitat Valenciana between next October 9th to December 31st.
In this sense, Escrivá has called on mayor José Chulvi to “implement as mayor the same measure that he applauded a few days ago in Les Corts Valencianes as a [regional] deputy”, which was a discount measure for urban bus transport which “is also not unknown in Xàbia, since currently retired people have discounted bus trips.”
He continued explaining that “in the case of an outdated public transport service, the free offer for young people would be a good first step to dignify public transport in Xàbia, or at least, the local council should offer the 50% discount on local transport for young people under 30 years of age announced by the Generalitat Valenciana”.
Escrivá also proposed that the local council look into signing an agreement with the taxi drivers of Xàbia to offer discounts on a certain number of trips for young people under 30. In this way, he said, “we can continue to encourage public transport, while lending a hand to a sector that has suffered so much in the pandemic, such as taxi drivers in Xàbia.”
Original Article: Cs Xàbia pide que el autobús urbano de Xàbia sea gratis para jóvenes menores de 30 años