Chulvi doesn’t care about live music in Xàbia, claims local musicians

“It is only Jávea that enforces [a ban] and only started enforcing the law during COVID. If every other town were acting the same, I would understand, but it is only Jávea.”

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File Photo from 2018 - For illustration purposes only.

Sunday 27th June 2021 – Compiled by MIKE SMITH

Mayor José Chulvi doesn’t really care about local musicians and his apparent ban of live music in Xàbia is forcing local talent to seek work in other towns in the region, taking much needed income for local businesses with them as music lovers are increasingly willing to travel out of the municipality to get their live music fix. So are the claims of professional musicians who are finding it impossible to secure gigs in the municipality.

With the official announcement of the line-up for Xàbia Jazz 2021, due to take place in August, social media has begun to fill with claims of hypocrisy on behalf of the mayor and fears that tourists are being deprived from the full tourist experience at a time when the tourism sector needs all the support it can get.

It seems Jose Chulvi doesn’t really care about his local musicians and is now gaining quite a lot of hate from townspeople,” claimed a local musician who has seen several gigs cancelled in the town in recent weeks and is now forced to travel elsewhere to earn money.

One commentator on social media said that: “This is not ok, especially because these people [have] suffered so much in the COVID-time. They need to be supported very much now. I’m disappointed [Chulvi] is taking such a decision. I thought he was a very good man.

It seems that [Chulvi] is forcing the very good Javea talent to play in other local towns to the detriment of his own town … taking well needed money away in the process,” added another.

With reference to Xàbia Jazz, they added that: “a big loud jazz festival is allowed in Javea but the bars and restaurants that want to promote local talent face a 6000 euro fine. I think the mayor has double standards.

Another local musician wrote that “It is only Jávea that enforces this law and only started enforcing the law during COVID. If every other town were acting the same, I would understand, but it is only Jávea. That is why everyone is blaming Chulvi. Even though it may not be his fault, he is the only one who can actually do anything about it.

Back in November 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic was taking another grim turn, the mayor issued a public statement on his Facebook page after angry reaction to a publicly-funded event organised by the municipality which attracted accusations of hypocrisy and threats of a general boycott for the lack of support of local musicians.

Now, with the vaccination campaign in full swing, the hospitality sector has been opening up again, but there seems to have been no change in the attitude of the local council, which continues to crack down on live music in bars and restaurants.

Double standards. Music festivals such as Xàbia Folk and Montgorock have received the support of the local council, despite the fact that their very nature means that they will be attracting significant numbers of people, albeit in the open air, but still encouraging crowds. Yet a performance by a musician on an open terrace of a bar where the clientele will be safely spaced according to the measures required is not permitted. It’s no wonder people are angry and confused. And thus heading to the likes of Moraira and Calp for their live music.

What do the current rules say?

Section 11, Paragraph 3 of the latest resolution issued by the Generalitat Valenciana on June 3rd 2021 (DOGV Num. 9100 / 04.06.2021), which refers to hospitality venues, states that:

– Professional performances by musical groups and DJs are allowed, so long as there is sufficient ventilation and a safety distance of at least two metres can be guaranteed between the musicians and the public in the case of singers and wind instruments.

Section 11, Paragraph 4 states that:

– Dancing is not allowed in hospitality venues, neither indoors nor outdoors, nor are karaokes and sporadic and amateur singing performances.

There is no specific reference to any blanket ban on live music, although it is understood that the venue must hold the appropriate license for live music performances.

An official comment has been sought …

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