Xàbia Council has begun preparations for the appropriate health protocols at the municipal cemeteries for All Saint’s.

With the approach of the festivities of Todos Los Santos, Xàbia Council has prepared health and safety protocols around the cemeteries that will be active from Friday 30th October until Sunday 1st November.
During this special weekend the municipal cemetery will be open uninterrupted from 8.00am to 7.00pm. Municipal personnel will be in place to check that those who want access are wearing a face mask whilst also providing them with hydroalcoholic gel to disinfect their hands. Gloves will also be required for those using common cleaning material on the resting places of their loved ones.
The new cemetery of Xabia is very spacious and therefore the maximum capacity has been set at 1,500 people so no crowds are expected to form. However, different areas of entry and exit to the enclosure and the central area have been marked to avoid crossings. Itineraries have also been marked in the smaller old cemetery so the capacity control will be carried out outside before access.
At the moment, the annual maintenance tasks are already underway. In addition, the cleaning and disinfection of commonly used facilities and areas as well as bins and containers will be increased in the days leading up to the Todos Los Santos weekend.
As for people who plan to clean or tidy their family niches, it is requested that family members to come before October 30th, as the 30th and 31st October will be reserved for the placement of flowers and planters (which are recommended to be already arranged).
The Council has contacted the florists of the municipality and there will be a parking area reserved in front of the store so that they can better serve their customers. It is also planned to have the two market flower stalls to re-locate temporarily to the Placeta del Convent to avoid crowds.
The special mass for Todos Los Santos will be held at the new cemetery on Sunday 1st November at 4.30pm with all the relevant hygiene and social distancing measures being applied.
Special Bus Service
Thursday 29th October to Saturday 31st October inclusive
The special bus service will depart from the Canal de la Fontana in the Arenal zone at 3.00pm, 4.30pm and 6.00pm and will stop at the Port, Plaza Marina Alta (correos) and the Fialato (olive tree roundabout) on its way to the cemetery. The return journeys will leave at 4.00pm, 5.30pm and 7.00pm.
Sunday 1st November
The special bus service will depart from the Canal de la Fontana in the Arenal zone at 10.00am, 11.00am, 12.00pm, 1.00pm and 4.00pm and will stop at the Port, Plaza Marina Alta (correos) and the Fialato (olive tree roundabout) on its way to the cemetery. The return journeys will leave at 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2.00pm and 7.00pm.