Carrer Roques will be closed for works next week

The road will be closed from Monday 19th April for three or four days.

210416 JAV Roques

Friday 16th April 2021 | PRESS RELEASE; translation MIKE SMITH

The local police have advised that Carrer Roques (and consequently Plaza Celestino Pons, Carrer Sor María Gallart and Carrer Llotgeta) will be closed to traffic from Monday 19th April for repair works.

The road improvement works are being undertaken by the Council itself and are expected to last three or four days.

Loading and unloading at the Municipal Market – the “Indoor Market” – should be done in Ronda Norte and the access for emergency vehicles will be through Carrer de l’Escola.

The Council asks residents for their cooperation and apologizes for the inconvenience.