Cáritas organises charity market this Sunday to support Ukraine aid

The money raised will be used to support Ukrainians who are suffering the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Tuesday 15th March 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article – Álvaro Monfort (Xàbia AL DÍA)

Xàbia does not cease in its campaign of humanitarian support for the benefit of Ukraine. Cáritas Nuestra Señora de Loreto will dedicate the entire amount collected from one of its charity markets to cooperation with citizens who are suffering the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The market will be held this Sunday 20th March between 10.00am and 2.00pm on the Paseo Marítimo in the port. In it, with prices ranging between 1 and 5 euros, visitors can find second-hand books in good condition in Spanish, Valencian, English and French as well as toys, jewelry and accessories. If this small flea market stands out for anything, it is the possibility of finding novels and books aimed at all kinds of audiences at a very good price.

The charity has requested that anyone who has books in good condition that they wish to contribute, for this or future markets, can contribute by leaving them in the chest that they have in the inner courtyard of the parish next to the door of its office.

Cáritas de Loreto has organised this market in order to raise funds to carry out its work of assisting the most needy families. The next markets will take place on Sunday 10th April, Sunday 1st May and Sunday 12th June.

Coordination of International Cáritas

Like other organizations, Caritas has mobilized internationally to provide a response in accordance with the humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian people. Especially complex is the work of Caritas Ukraine itself, but also that of its neighbouring Caritas in Romania, Poland, Moldova and Bulgaria.

While seeking safe shelter for displaced people, Caritas is prioritizing the distribution of hot food, water, basic hygiene kits, laundry services and safe transportation for people seeking to reunite with relatives in other parts of the country. The emergency plan also includes care for special cases such as the elderly, minors and people with disabilities.

Caritas Spain has been working with its namesake in Ukraine since 2010 and has allocated an initial allocation of 25,000 euros, an incentive that seeks to increase with voluntary donations and the sending of equipment and clothing, among others.

Click on the logo above to read the original article on Xàbia AL DÍA.

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