Bathrooms renovated at Xàbia’s Social Centre

The project cost 27,500 euros and provided direct access to bathrooms facilities from the cafeteria.

22 Bathrooms

Monday 22nd November 2021 – XÀBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith

Xàbia Council has reported that a new toilet block has been built on the ground floor of the municipality’s Social Centre, a facility located just off Plaza de la Constitución.

A statement from councillor Rita Berruti (Social Services & Elderly) explained that the renovation has meant that the bathrooms can be accessed directly from the social centre’s cafeteria and responds to a demand from the Amanacer senior citizens association that uses the centre for their dances and other social activities.

The council has invested 27,531 euros in the bathrooms, which have been adapted for people with reduced mobility and communication. The project was carried out by Blue Dec SL.