AMJASA will assume management of sanitation network in Xàbia

The plenary session also approved a new regulation for the municipal market.


Wednesday 30th November 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

The November Plenary Session of the Ayuntamiento de Xàbia has approved unanimously a motion to start proceedings to transfer direct management of the town’s sanitation network to the municipal water company AMJASA with the objective of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the service and centralizing everything into the integrated water system managed wholly by the company.

A motion also unanimously approved during the monthly session was a new regulation for the municipal market, a document that adapts the previous regulation to meet the reality of this public commercial space more effectively.

The councillor responsible for Markets in Xàbia, Susana Ern, explained that the revision responds to the problems identified in recent times and resolves on of the main issues, the transfer of market positions, making it easier to complete the process. This will not only be a positive step for potential bidders wanting to occupy vacant positions but it will also benefit the indoor market itself by reducing the chances of a position remaining empty until they are put up for tender again when someone gives it up or decides to vacate it due to personal reasons.

The new regulation also limits the business that can be carried out in the positions, the conditions of use of the common areas, the obligations of the position holders, and the circumstances that may lead to the opening of a disciplinary file, amongst others.

A further revision are the statutes of the market vendors’ association and a mixed commission consisting of this group and the town hall through which suggestions and requests can be dealt with.

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