AMJASA installs remote reading system to help customers to control consumption

The system will provide both the company and the customer to monitor water consumption using a mobile phone app.


Friday 13th January 2023
Mike Smith

The municipal water company AMJASA has begun to implement a new remote reading system in its meters which will mean a significant technological leap for both the company and for its customers.

For the company, it will mean that it won’t have to make on-site meter readings for its 28,000 customers which are scattered throughout a geographically complex municipality as well as allow the water company to monitor water consumption on a permanent basis, making it easier for planning strategies and identifying problems. For the customer, it will provide full access to their consumption data on a daily basis and from anywhere in the world.

The service is provided by a mobile application called BeWater through which the customer can monitor consumption as well as set alerts, such as a monthly consumption limit, anomalies that might suggest a leak or that an automatic irrigation system has failed. It will also be useful for those home owners who rent out their property, allowing them greater control over what happens in their home without having to travel.

The company manager, Josep Lluis Henarejos, explained that some 5,000 meters have already been replaced and those who have them will receive notification from AMJASA with a username and password for the application. He added that the objective is to have the entire network renewed within four years and that the installation of the new system is to be carried out in phases; they are currently working in the port zone.

AMJASA has invested some two million euros in this digitization project, contracting specialist company Contazara which uses meters manufactured in Spain and using Narrow Band IoT (NB-IoT) technology for data transmission. Company commercial director Óscar Sancho said that the commitment of the municipal water company to this level of technological places it at the same level as companies that manage large urban networks such as Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.

Mayor José Chulvi, whose position makes him president of AMJASA, called the initiative “pioneering”, adding that Xàbia was at the forefront of water management and boasts an essential service that is 100% publicly-owned, allowing it to apply policies to boost efficiency and effectiveness as well as make future planning for the benefit of its customers and the entire community.

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