Presentación de las Fiestas – Presentation
- 20:30 – PARADE through the streets of the port to collect the representatives of the filaes who will be participating in the presentation from their bases. On arrival in Avenida Jaime I, a rocket will be fired to announce the start of the fiestas and the fiesta lights will be switched on.
- 21:00 – COMPLEMENTARY WINE offered by the Filà Captain BALLESTERS in Calle Doctor Fleming.
- 21:30 – PRESENTATION of the fiestas of the Moors and Christians 2022 in the Paseo Jaime I attended by municipal and fiesta representatives; the Pregonera will be the Minister for Science and Innovation DIANA MORANT.
- After the presentation, music and dancing with Orquesta La Viva.
- 20:30 – XVIII FIESTA MUSIC CONCERT in Calle Sevilla, performed by the musicians of the Centre Artistic Musical de Xàbia (separate programme).
- 21:00 – VISIT TO THE ARENAL BEACH. Parade along the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer. At the end of the parade, there will be some fireworks. Afterwards, snacks and drinks for all the members of the Filaes who took part, offered by Restaurante La Fontana
- 20:00 – VISIT TO THE HISTORIC CENTRE. Parade through the old town (Avenida Príncipe de Asturias, Placeta del Convent, Calle Virgen de la Merced, Calle El Foguerer and Carrer del Ravalet / San Jaime) for an offering of flowers to the niche of the fiesta patron Sant Jaume, followed by some fireworks.
Ofrenda de Flores – The Flower Offering
- 20:00 – FLOWER OFFERING to Sant Jaume. The parade will start in Arcada Pio X and will follow the route Calle Santísimo Cristo del Mar, Calle Andrés Lambert, Avenida Jaime I, Plaza Presidente Adolfo Suarez and Calle La Caleta to arrive at the port church. During this same act, there will be a donation of food on behalf of the Filaes and Junta de Festes to CÁRITAS.
- 22:30 – PAELLA COMPETITION in Calle Sevilla between all the Filaes. The products will be donated by Supermercado SUMA. The evening will be enlivened by music from a Xaranga. There will be prizes for the three best paellas.
- Afterwards, there will be a communal dinner.
Desembarco – Landing of the Moors
- 21:00 – GATHERING of Christian troops on the Playa de la Grava to face the landing of Moorish troops.
- 21:30 – LANDING OF THE MOORS. A recreation of the arrival of Muslim troops from the sea, accompanied by deafening gunfire from blunderbusses. Performed by LEGEND. Collaboration wit the Traditional Boat Association.
- 22:00 – MOORISH AMBASSADOR and SURRENDER of the castle in Paseo Jaime I.
- 00:00 – Journey around the different barracks by the members of the Filaes and the public in general with music provided by a Xaranga band, starting at the base of Filà Captain BALLESTERS in Calle Doctor Fleming.
Reconquista – Reconquest by the Christians
- 17:00 – XXVII TROFEO PEPE PRATS Valencian Pilota between the different Filaes that will be disputed in Calle Virgen de Loreto.
- 21:00 – BATTLE WITH BLUNDERBUSS between the Cristians and the Moors on the Playa de la Grava.
- 21:30 – CHRISTIAN AMBASSADOR and RECONQUEST of the castle in Paseo Jaime I by the Christian troops. Performed by LEGEND.
- 22:30 – DISCO in the sports playground next to Calle Manuel Bordes Vallés.
- 00:00 – AIBAX BUP Disco in Calle Doctor Fleming, offered by Filà Captain BALLESTERS.
Desfile de Gala – First Gala Parade
- 11:30 – PARADE by the Filà Captain BALLESTERS, festeros and Junta de Festes de Moros i Cristians to visit the different barracks.
- 19:30 – ENTRANCE OF THE MUSIC BANDS in Avenida Jaime I.
- 20:30 – GALA PARADE with the participation of all the Filaes, the Moors and Christians standard bearers, and the Filà Captain BALLESTERS, supported by all the music bands.
- 23:30 – MACRO DISCO with X-PAM SHOW in Paseo Pintor Joaquin Sorolla, until 04:00.
Desfile de Gala – Second Gala Parade
- 10:00 – CHILDREN’S WATER GAMES in Paseo Jaime I.
- 10:30 – ICE CREAM AND MILK SHAKES offered by the Moors and Christians standard bearers in Paseo Jaime I.
- 19:00 – ENTRANCE OF THE MUSIC BANDS. In Paseo Jaime I, all the bands will play the Pasadole ‘XÀBIA’ together, directed by CAM Xàbia.
- 20:00 – GALA PARADE with the participation of all the Filaes, the Moors and Christians standard bearers, and the Filà Captain BALLESTERS, who will close the parade with a grand procession.
- Afterwards, a nocturnal mascletà on the Playa de la Grava.
Festividad de Sant Jaume – Feast Day of the Patron Saint
- 18:00 – Celebration of MASS in honour of Sant Jaume and in memory of deceased festeros. Afterwards, there will be a parade with the image of our Patron from the port church to the chapel at the Residencia-Asilo Hermanos Cholbi.
The DISCO and XARANGAS will finish at 03:30.
The JUNTA DE FESTES DE MOROS I CRISTIANS DE XÀBIA reserves the right to modify, cancel or change any act in this programme as well as the timings or itineraries of said acts.