FIESTA JESÚS NAZARENO 2023 – Official Programme

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Wednesday 19 April 2023

16:30 · Blood Donation at the Centro de Salud de Xàbia until 20:30. A fiesta booklet will be given to every participant.

Tuesday 25 April 2023

08:00 · Assembly and placement of cages and barriers in the Placeta del Convent and Ronda Colón until 21:00 The Brotherhood requests the collaboration of all the owners with the presence of two responsible for each cage.

Wednesday 26 April 2023

10:00 · Technical Inspection of the Cages and Barriers.
18:45 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería ELS COVES.
19:00 · Release of Heifers and a Bull from Ganadería MACHANCOSES.
21:15 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería LA PALOMA.

Thursday 27 April 2023

18:45 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería LA PALOMA.
19:00 · Release of Heifers and a Bull from Ganadería CALÍ.
21:15 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería MACHANCOSES.

Friday 28 April 2023

18:45 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería LA PALOMA.
19:00 · Release of Heifers and a Bull from Ganadería CALÍ.
20:00 · DISCO in the Plaza de la Constitución until 03:00 organised by the Filà Capitana 2023 “Almoriscos” and the Fogueres Commission, featuring DJ Gualda (Kandhala), DJ Deia (Falkata Gandía) and DJ Raul Albi (Xàbia).
23:00 · Release of Heifers and a Bull from Ganadería CRESPO.
01:00 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería LA HERMANDAD.

Saturday 29 April 2023

17:45 · Entrance and Release of CARRETONES (Bull Head Carts).
18:00 · TARDEO in the Plaza de la Constitución until 03:00 organised by the Fogueres Commission and the Filà Capitana 2023 “Almoriscos” where there will be a drinks and food service followed by a DISCO “Ultravylot Party” featuring DJ Raul Albi and La Gavi (Xàbia), DJ Dion Dobbe (Sounders Dénia), DJ Alex Torres (Xàbia) and DK Mitch Van Staveren (Condado Dénia).
18:45 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería ELS COVES.
19:00 · Release of Heifers and a Bull from Ganadería LA PALOMA.
23:00 · Release of Heifers and a Bull from Ganadería LA HERMANDAD.
01:00 · Entrance of Bulls and Heifers from Ganadería CRESPO.

At the end, the cages and barriers will be dismantled and removed from Placeta del Convent and Ronda Colon by 12:00 Sunday 30 April.

Sunday 30 April 2023

11:30 · Professional Pelota Valenciana Match “ESCALA I CORDA” in the Trinquet de Xàbia in Freginal.
18:00 · Charity Concert in aid of ASPANIÓN NIN@S CON CÁNCER in the marquee on the Plaza de la Constitución with performances by the Banda de L’Associaió Musical CODA de Gata de Gorgos and the Banda Jove del Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia. Tickets can be purchased from the Tourist Offices and at the marquee. All proceeds to charity.
19:00 · Triduum to Jesús Nazareno in honour of José Sapena Vidal.
22:30 · Sainete “EL SOLDAT DE NÁPOLES” (Valencian Farce) in the marque on the Plaza de la Constitución, performed by the Grup de Teatre Tot Rist of the Comisión Mare de Deu del Loreto.

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Monday 1 May 2023 – Children’s Day [National Bank Holiday]

08:30 · DESPERTÀ AMB DOLÇAINA I TABALAT (Traditional “Wake Up” Parade with Dulzaina and Drums) through the streets of the town. Afterwards, there will be bocadillos offered made from products donated by Mas y Mas. This will be followed by the opening of a CHILDREN’S PLAY ZONE and CART RIDES with Penya El Tirasset as well as a raffle of various wooden sculptures created by local artist Miguel Ángel Miguel “in situ” in the square.
12:00 · Parade with the COLLA DEL GRUP DE DANSES PORTITXOL to visit the flowers crosses in the port zone, followed by snacks in the courtyard of the church of Mare de Déu del Loreto.
13:30 · GIANT PAELLA in Parque Montaner above Plaza de la Constitución.
19:00 · Triduum to Jesús Nazareno  in honour of the Deceased Members of Brotherhood.
20:00 · Parade with “Dolçaina i Tabalet” and the TUNA DE XÀBIA to visit the flower crosses and window displays, accompanied by members of the Brotherhood and municipal authorities.

Tuesday 2 May 2023

11:00 · Visit to the elderly at the CENTRO DE DÍA during which a small gift will be given to each person.
11:30 · Visit to the elderly at the ASILO HERMANOS CHOLBI during which a small gift will be given to each person.
12:00 · General Ringing of the Church Bells.
19:00 · Triduum to Jesús Nazareno in honour of Rvdo. D. Juan Esteve Domingo, Rvdo. D. José Soler Mulet, Rvdo. D. Juan Celda Visitación, Rvdo. D. Joaquín Sendra Benavent).
20:15 · FLOWER OFFERING to Jesús Nazareno. All the children, fiesta commissions, peñas, associations, etc. are invited to participate in this act as well as the neighbourhood in general. The procession will begin in the Plaza Marina Alta (Correos).
22:30 · Theatre “LA VENGANZA DE DON MENDO” in the marquee in the Plaza de la Constitución performed by Compañia Gárum Teatre directed by Inma Sancho.

Wednesday 3 May – THE RISE OF JESÚS NAZARENO [Local Bank Holiday]

07:30 · General Ringing of the Church Bells.
08:00 · “Despertà” (Wake-Up Parade) with the Banda del Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia through the streets of the historic centre.
12:00 · MASS with singing by Grupo Folk.  Afterwards, the diplomas will be awarded to the current “mayorales”. Afterwards, there will be the noisy “MASCLETÀ” in the Plaza de la Constitución.
19:00 · Special EVENING MASS for the ill and disabled, followed by the SOLEMN PROCESSION with the treasured image of Jesús Nazareno from the heart of the historic centre to the chapel of Calvario. Afterwards, there will be FIREWORKS in the Plaza de la Constitución.

Thursday 4 May 2023

19:30 · MASS in honour of the deceased Brothers to which all the faithful of the Parish of San Bartolomé are invited.

Saturday 6 May 2023

17:00 · CYCLE RACE Memorial José Catalá Marí.

Saturday 13 May 2023

20:00 · THANKSGIVING MASS in the chapel of Calvario. Formal farewell of the Mayorales 2023 and the award of the medals to those who will represent the celebrations in 2024.