FOGUERES 2023: The Full Programme

Fogueres 02


  • 17:00 – BLOOD DONATION at the Centro de Salud.

Proclamation of the Infantil Court

  • 21:30 – PARADE of the Junior Commission and Children’s Court of Honour from the Plaza de la Iglesia to the Plaza de la Constitución.
  • 22:00 – PROCLAMATION of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens in the Plaza de la Constitución with entertainment provided by Dirección Artística Marc Pons.

Proclamation of the Queen 2023

  • 10:00 – XXVI FOGUERES SCHOOL CHESS TOURNAMENT for schoolchildren in the Fogueres Commission Casal in Plaza de la Constitución, organised by the Club d’Escacs de Xàbia.
  • 21:30 – PARADE of the Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS” from the Plaza de la Iglesia to the Plaza de la Constitución.
  • 22:00 – PROCLAMATION of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens in the Plaza de la Constitución.


  • 11:30 – VALENCIAN PILOTA featuring some of the best professional players in the ‘Escala i Corda’ style in the Trinquet de Xàbia in Freginal.


  • 10:00 – INSTALLATION of cages to create the taurino enclosure on the car-park in Avenida Palmela until 18:00.

Día del Pregón

  • 14:00 – Official OPENING of the casals of the “Penyes Santjoaneres”.
  • 20:00 – PARADE of the Courts of Honour, the Ladies and the Queens from the Plaza de la Marina Alta to the Plaza de la Iglesia.
  • 20:30 – DJ SESSION to liven up the wait for the official opening ceremony in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
  • 21:30 – PREGÓN: the official opening ceremony of the fiestas by the Queens and the Municipal Authorities in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
  • 22:30 – COMMUNAL DINNER in the Plaza de la Constitución for the “Penyes Santjoaneres” and people of the town in general. The Fogueres Commission will be offering a drink.
  • 00:00 – The Queens, joined by the Quintades, the peñas and the people of the town in general, accompanied by charangas, will sing to the images of Sant Joan. Route: Plaza de la Constitución, Calle Metge José Ferrandiz, Carrer Teulería – NICHE – Carrer Fielato, Calle San Vicente, Calle Sant Joaquim, Carrer Verge de la Soledat, Carrer Jesús Natzare – NICHE – Carrer Major, Carrer Verge del Pilar, Carrer Cups – NICHE – Carrer Santa Teresa, Carrer Sant Bonaventura, Plaça de l’Esglèsia – SINGING – Tossal del Dalt, Avenida Principe de Asturias, Carrer Bon Aire, Plaza de la Constitución.

    Afterwards, there will be disco with DJs CHIMENO and JUAN HERNÁNDEZ in the Plaza de la Constitución until 04:00.


  • 17:30 – GATHERING of the Peñas and Fogueres Commission in the Plaza de la Constitución to collect in procession the members of Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS” from their casal, accompanied by XARANGA “TOCA’T UN OU” and then the OPENING of the BARET DELS BOUS and the Bull Arena in Avenida Palmela.
  • 19:00 – ENTRANCE OF COWS & BULLS from Ganadería LA TEMPLANZA de Benissa. Then, the first evening of contest with five cows, one young calf and one bull from Ganadería CALÍ of Moixent. To finish the session, SPECTACULAR entrance of 10 TOROS ROJOS from Ganadería FERNANDO MACHANCOSES of Xest.
  • 21:30 – COMMUNAL DINNER in Plaza de la Iglesia. Bring your own food and drink.
  • 22:00 – MUSIC from the 60s and 70s in Plaza de la Iglésia.
  • 00:00 – ENTRANCE of BLANCOS from Ganadería BENAVENT of Quatretonda, followed by the release of five cows and a bull from Ganadería COVES of Pedreguer.
  • 00:30 – Disco “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” with DJ ÁLEX FEMENIA in the Bull Arena until 04:00.


  • 16:00 – VALENCIAN PELOTA TOURNAMENT organised by peñas “EL PATROCINI” and “D’ON NO HA HA NO SE’N POT TRAURE”. Bar service will be available.
  • 18:30 – ENTRANCE OF 10 CARRETONES (Bull Carts) and release of carretones, fire carretón and giant bull for all the children organised by ARTE MEDITERRÁNEO.
  • 19:00 – EXHIBITION of 3 ENTRANCES from Ganadería CALI (Moixent), Garandería BENAVENT (Quatretonda) and Ganadería FERNANDO MACHANCOSES (Xest). This will be followed by the RANCH CHALLENGE with a single bull and cow from each ranch. The best bull will win 250 euros whilst the best cow will win 200 euros.
  • 23:30 – Live music with CAMELA “QUE LA MÚSICA TE ACOMPAÑE” in the Plaza de la Constitución, followed by discomóvil “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” with DJ JAVI MENGU until 03:00.

Día de las Quintades

  • 08:00 – DESPERTÀ (bangers and rockets) through the streets of the historic centre of Xàbia, organised by the Quintá “LA BULLANGUERA” celebrating their 25th anniversary.
  • 10:00 – BBQ ALMUERZO (brunch) offered by the Fogueres Commission in the bull arena in Avenida Palmela.
  • 11:30 – GATHERING of all the Quintàs: those celebrating special anniversaries will gather in Calle Foguerer, whilst the rest will get together in Calle La Font. Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS” will gather in Calle Virgen de la Merced.
  • 12:00 – PARADE of Quintàs from Avenida Ramón Llidó to the bull arena for fun and games, mostly involved water!
  • 19:00 – GATHERING of all the Quintadas in Plaza de la Constitución for the start of the “TUMBALEA” show.
  • 23:45 – Live music with Orquesta VÉRTIGO followed by TUMBALEA until 06:00.

Día del Niño

  • 09:30 – XIX OPEN TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT in the Palau d’Esports in Avenida dels Furs in the port, organised by “Club de Tennis Taula Xàbia”.
  • 11:00 – FUN GUIDED TOUR with PENYA International “COM A GAMBES” accompanied by XARANGA TOCA’T UN OU” starting in the Plaza de la Constitución. Experience the fiesta! Interactive tour in English.
  • 11:30 – CHILDREN’S PLAY PARK in Plaza de la Constitución with inflatables and water games. Brunch will be offered by the residents of Frechinal.
  • 14:00 – MACARRONADA for all the children in Plaza de la Constitución.
  • 14:00 – GIANT PAELLA for all in Parque Montanar.
  • 16:00 – CHILDREN’S PLAY PARK in Plaza de la Constitución with something special for the young ones, WORLD GAME “VIRTUAL GAMES” for the oldest and LASER, MECHANICAL BULL, GIANT TABLE FOOTBALL and much more …
  • 17:30 – DISCOMÓVIL HAWAIANA in Carrer Foguerer with bar service, organised by PENYA “WAIKIPARRI”.
  • 20:00 – SHREK MUSICAL in the Plaza de la Constitución.
  • 22:00 – “BONA GENT” SHOW Traditional dancing with Grup de Danses Portitxol and Grup de Danses Font Santa de Teulada in Plaza de la Iglésia.
  • 23:00 – Live music with Orquesta MÓNACO in Plaza de la Constitución until 03:00.


  • 19:00 – ENTRANCE OF BULLS AND COWS from Ganadería LA HERMANDAD (Xàbia), followed by the release of five cows and two bulls from Ganadería BENAVENT (Quatretonda).
  • 22:00 – THEATRE NIGHT in the Plaza de la Iglésia with GARUM TEATRE who will perform “LA VENGANZA DE DON MENDO”.
  • 22:00 – COMMUNAL DINNER in the bull arena in Avenida del Palmela.
  • 23:00 – GRAN PRIX Inter-Group Games in the bull arena in Avenida del Palmela.
  • 00:30 – Live music with LA MOCHA followed by Disco “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” with DJ LA GAVI until 04:00.


  • 10:00 – BRUNCH for all the senior citizens in the Social Centre, organised by the Fogueres Commission.
  • 18:00 – ENTRANCE OF BURNING BULL CARTS and general release of bull carts for the children, organised by ARTE MEDITERRÁNEO.
  • 19:00 – ENTRANCE OF THE ROJOS from Ganadería COVES (Pedreguer), followed by the Inter-Ranch CHALLENGE between Ganadería LA PALOMA (Xaló) and Ganadería LA TEMPLANZA (Benissa) with two cows and a bull from each one. Prize for the best will be 300 euros.
  • 22:00 – PAELLA COMPETITION in the bull arena in Avenida del Palmela. The Fogueres Commission will provide the rice. The best paella will win 100 euros.
  • 00:00 – SENSATIONAL ENTRANCE of 10 BULLS from Ganadería LA PALOMA (Xaló), followed by the release of a bull and five cows from Ganadería LA HERMANDAD (Xàbia).
  • 00:00 – INSTALLATION of the Foguera Central in the Plaza de la Constitución and the Foguera Infantil in the Placeta del Convent, with the collaboration of Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS”.
  • 00:00 – Disco “FOGUERES MUSICÓN” with DJ PABLO ALEMANY in the bull arena in Avenida del Palmela until 04:00.


  • 07:00 – DISMANTLING of cages and the bull arena in Avenida del Palmela until 18:00.
  • 12:00 – PARADE of Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS” to visit Thiviers and Frechinal. The residents of Frechinal will offer complimentary wine.
  • 18:00 – PARADE of Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS” to visit the port and the Arenal zone, starting in the bus station in Avenia del Palmela.
  • 19:30 – GRAND BINGO NIGHT organised by PENYA LA MELONA in Parque Montaner. There will be a bar service.
  • 21:30 – SERENADING of the Queens and Presidents with LA TUNA DE XÀBIA, starting in the Plaza de la Iglésia.
  • 22:00 – TRADITIONAL DANCING with Grup de Danses Portitxol in Carrer Nou.
  • 00:00 – CONCERT NIGHT with DIÀSPORA, GREEN VALLEY and BUHOS in Plaza de la Constitución.

Día de la Ofrenda

  • 11:00 – BURNING of the Foguera of the Asilo Hermanos Cholbi, attended by the Queens, Ladies and Presidents of the Fogueres 2023.
  • 12:00 – PARADE of the Court of Honour, Ladies and Queens to visit the decorated streets of the historic centre. Route: Plaza de la Marina Alta, Carrer Tossal del Baix, Carrer Sant Pere Martir, Carrer Sant Josep, Avenida Principe de Asturias, Carrer Finestrat, Carrer Verge del Pilar, Carrer En Forn, Ronda Colón, Carrer Jesús Natzare, Carrer Verge de la Soledat, Carrer Sant Joaquim, Carrer Llarg, Carrer Mare de Deu d’Agost, Carrer Sant Cristobal, Carrer Dr. Borrull, Placeta del Convent.

    Afterwards, BURNING of the Foguera of the Day Centre Santa María de Betania in Placeta del Convent.
  • 13:00 – VERMOUTH for all the penyas and quintos offered by the Fogueres Commission in the Plaza de la Constitución until 14:00, enlivened by music from XARANGA 442 and sponsored by Bodega Miguel.
  • 19:30 – FLOWER OFFERING to Sant Joan in the Plaza de la Iglesia, with the creation of the flower tapestry organised by peña “LA PATXORRA”. Route: Carrer Thivier, Avenida Juan Carlos I, Avenida Cervantes, Avenida d’Alacant, Ronda Nord, Avenida Principe d’Asturias, Carrer Dr. Borrull, Carrer Verge de Popúl, Carrer San Vicente, Carrer Sant Joaquim, Ronda Sud, Ronda Nord, Tossal de Dalt, Plaza Celestino Pons, Plaça de l’Esglèsia.
  • 23:30 – QUEEN TRIBUTE SHOW, followed by discomóvil with DK JOSWERK until 04:00.

Nit dels Focs

  • 08:00 – DESPERTÀ (bangers and rockets) through the streets of the old town, organised by Peña “FADRINS, BORRATXOS I FINS”.
  • 11:30 – OFFERING OF GRAPES AND FIGS (Raïms i Bacores) to Sant Joan. Route: Plaza de la Marina Alta, Avenida Principe d’Asturias, Carrer dels Oms, Carrer Nou, Carrer Teuleria – OFFERING – Carrer Nou, Carrer Sant Domenec, Carrer Damia Giner, Carrer Verge de la Soledat, Carrer Jesus Natzaré, Carrer Mayor, Carrer Verge del Pilar, Carrer Cups – OFFERING – Carrer Sant Bartolomé – Plaça de l’Esglèsia – OFFERING – Carrer Sant Bonaventura, Carrer En Grenyó, Carrer En Forn, Placeta del Convent – INDULT NINOT – Carrer dels Oms, Plaza de la Constitución – INDULT NINOT.

    During the PARADE, there will be “INDULT DEL NINOT” of the Foguera Central and Foguera Infantil, the selection of the figurines that will be saved from the flames.
  • 14:30 – GIANT TORTILLA and BEER offered by the Fogueres Commission in Parque Montaner.
  • 17:30 – GATHERING OF THE PENYAS in Calle Thiviers.
  • 18:00 – PENYA PARADE. Route: Calle Thiviers, Avenida Juan Carlos I, Avenida Cervantes, Avenida d’Alacant, Ronda Nord, Avenida Principe de Asturias, Calle Doctor Borrull, Calle Verge del Popúl and Calle San Vicente.
  • 20:30 – CHILDREN’S EVENING OF FIRES in Calle Virgen de la Soledad and Calle Jesús Nazareno, organised by PENYA “ELS ESTORATS”.
  • 23:30 – The traditional NIT DELS FOCS DE SANT JOAN, declared a fiesta of local tourist interest in the Comunidad Valenciana, organised by the Fogueres Commission and with the collaboration of the Quintà 25 “LA BULLANGUERA”. Afterwards, BURNING OF THE “OLD JUNK” (Trastos Vells) in Calle Raval de Baix, organised by peña “EL GERROT”.

    The second act of the evening will be the Spectacular CORREFOCS by Xarxa Teatre, from Calle Raval del Baix to the Plaza de la Constitución. Aftewards, the SANTI BERTOMEU SHOW until 06:00.

Día de Sant Joan

  • 08:30 – DESPERTÀ (bangers and rockets) through the streets of the old town, organised the Fogueres Commission.
  • 10:00 – MASS IN HONOUR OF SANT JOAN in the Plaza de Xàtiva in Freginal. Afterwards, chocolate with sweets for all attendees.
  • 10:30 – PARADE to collect the 2023 Court, Ladies, Presidents and Queens.
  • 12:00 – SOLEMN MASS in honour of SANT JOAN in the fortress-church of San Bartolomé in the heart of the historic centre of Xàbia with the participation of the polyphonic choir “ARS NOVA”.

    After the mass, there will be a spectacular MASCLETÀ in the Placa de la Constitución, followed by COMPLIMENTARY WINE in the Rui Rau d’Arnauda, offered by the town hall of Xàbia.
  • 18:30 – GATHERING of Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS” in the Plaza de la Constitución for the traditional photo in front of the Foguera Central.
  • 19:00 – PARADE of Quintà 2023 “A REBOLCONS”, bands and charangas from Plaza de la Constitución to Avenida del Pla.
  • 19:30 – FLOAT PARADE. Route: Avenida Juan Carlos I, Avenida Cervantes, Avenida d’Alacant, Ronda Nord, Avenida Principe de Asturias, Placeta del Convent Calle Doctor Borrull, Avenida Ondara, Avenida Valencia Calle San Joaquim and Ronda Sud.

    Afterwards, PARADE of all the courts of honour, presidents, ladies and queens to the Placeta del Convent.
  • 22:00 – BURNING of the Foguera Infantil in the Placeta del Convent.
  • 23:00 – Live music with Orquesta ÓXIDO in the Plaza de la Constitución.
  • 00:00 – MUSICAL FIREWORK DISPLAY in the Plaza de la Constitución, followed by the BURNING OF THE FOGUERA CENTRAL, and then more live music with Orquesta ÓXIDO and, to bring the fiesta to a close, MACRODISCOMÓVIL.

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