Alicante TRAM users rate the metro service with 8.54 points


The most highly valued attributes are signage (9.12), accessibility to the station (9.11) and accessibility to the train (9.10).

0320 NEWS Tram d'Alacant 1

Passengers have given an average rating of 8.54 out of 10 for the service provided by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) on the Alicante TRAM network, according to the results of the 2024 Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The percentage of passengers who consider the service provided “satisfactory” is 94.4%. The percentage who rate it as “average” is 3.8%, and only 1.8% are “dissatisfied” with its operation.

With regards to the individual routes, Linea 5 (Porta del Mar-Plaza La Coruña) was the highest-rated route with 9.08, followed by Linea 3 (Luceros-El Campello) with 8.87; Linea 4 (Luceros-Plaza de La Coruña) with 8.63; Linea 2 (Luceros-Sant Vicent del Raspeig) with 8.48; Linea 1 (Luceros-Benidorm) with 8.38; and finally, Linea 9 (Benidorm-Dénia) with 8.34, which saw a bus transfer service operating from Calp during much of 2024 due to line modernization works.

The Most and Least Liked

Of the variables rated by passengers in the survey related to the service provided by FGV in Alicante, its metropolitan area, and Las Marinas, five exceed 9 points, eleven exceed 8 points, two are above 7, and the remaining one was rated of 6.03 points.

  • 9.12 – Signage
  • 9.11 – Station Accessibility
  • 9.10 – Train Accessibility
  • 9.01 – Ticket Price
  • 9.00 – Journey Safety
  • 8.47 – Sudden Movements during the journey
  • 8.14 – Air Conditioning
  • 7.99 – Service Frequency
  • 7.76 – Presence of Security Guards
  • 6.03 – Lack of Overcrowding

It is worth noting that the price of tickets, traditionally ranked lowest in the past surveys, waited highly. However, this improvement could be related to the successive public transport savings initiatives implemented by the Generalitat Valenciana to promote sustainable mobility, alleviate citizens’ expenses, and combat the effects of inflation with the current specific measures of free travel for those under 31 and 50% fare reductions for other passengers.

Passenger Profile

Women accounted for 60.6% of the total number of passengers using the TRAM d’Alacant services during 2024, compared to 39.4% of men. The average age was around 33.1 years, with the 20-29 age group being the most significant, at 36%, followed by the 30-49 age group, at 26.5%; those under 20, at 19.6%; and finally, those 50 and older, at 17.8%.

58.1% of TRAM d’Alacant passengers have completed secondary school; 29.6% have university education; and 12.3% have completed basic education.

The dominant socioeconomic level is “middle,” with 60.3% of passengers, followed by “upper-middle,” with 16.4%; “lower-middle,” with 12.1%; “high,” with 9.5%; and “low,” with 1.7%.

In terms of employment, 52.3% of TRAM d’Alacant customers are employed; 34.8% are students; 5.9% are retired or pensioned; 5.5% are unemployed; 1.7% are self-employed; and 1.5% report doing housework.

This index, after conducting 1,502 interviews with passengers aged 15 and over on the four tram lines, the TRAM-Train line, and the diesel line, with a margin of error of +2.53% and a significance level of 95%.

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