Achill re-opens this weekend after winning appeal against closure

The popular disco will be re-opening its doors tomorrow Saturday 16th July at 9.00pm.


Friday 15th July 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Press Release – JaveaCompany

Achill Bar and Dancefloor will be re-opening its doors tomorrow Saturday 16th July at 9.00pm after JaveaCompany directors Edgar Slama and Antoinette Sassen announced on the company’s social media that it had won appeal against the decision to force the closure of three of its premises on the Punta del Arenal in the popular beach zone due to apparent irregularities in the licensing identified by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency.

Whilst both Bambula and Acqua remain closed – and the company hope to be able to achieve the same successful outcome for them – the directors announced in several languages that the popular disco Achill would be re-opening.

Seven premises at the southern end of the Playa del Arenal were forced to close after an investigation by the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency brought about after an anonymous complaint. The final report identified irregularities in the licensing status of these premises and instructed the town hall in Xàbia to enforce their closure. JaveaCompany have always maintained that its premises met the requirements and shifted the blame on the town hall for what Edgar Slama called “administrative chaos” and accused it of presenting the company with “endless obstacles” in the application process.

Now, after several weeks of uncertainty, the courts have accepted the appeals of the company and allowed Achill to re-open.

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