Access control to indoor market area to be controlled from Monday

The measure will give the hospitality sector a more secure occupation opportunity on the public road.

210806-08 Plaza-1

Saturday 7th August 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith

From Monday 9th August, the new access control barrier will be in operation, controlling access to Plaza Celestino Pons and Calle Sor María Gallard, which surround the building of the Municipal Market, also known as the indoor market.

The barrier will be closed to traffic during certain hours of the day to encourage pedestrian use and to give the hospitality sector a more secure occupation opportunity on the public road.

The measure is accompanied by a reorganization of the parking in the area, leaving the recently restored façade of the historic church of San Bartolomé, which will be protected by the installation of some planters. Two parking spaces will be reserved at the entrance for short-term parking for those who make purchases at the chemist in the church square and for fast loading and unloading into the market building.

The initial schedule is intended to combine the different interests of the market vendors, the hospitality and catering trade, and those of the residents themselves as well as pedestrians.

During the week, the barrier will be open until 2.00pm after which it will be closed until 7.00pm, with access only for residents in case of need. Those directly affected (San Marcos, Sor María Gallart, Sant Clara, San Buenaventura, San Bartolomé and Plaza Celestino Pons and Plaza de la Iglesia) have been given an access card.

On Saturday, the barrier will be open until 11.00am for loading and unloading after which the barrier will be closed whilst it will be open all day on Sunday.

The local police has already been informing users of this new regulation which will come into force on Monday and will be supervised by municipal staff.

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