Abel Moll assumes presidency of Moors and Christians in Xàbia

The member of Fila Almoradins will assume the roll for the next two years.

Ruben MC

Friday 7th October 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Facebook (Moros i Cristians de Xàbia)

The Moors and Christians in Xàbia has a new president of its organising committee, known as ‘Junta de Festes’. Abel Moll Juliá (Filà Almoradins) will be leading the board for the next two years, but he will not be alone in this new journey for outgoing president Rubén Femenia (Filà Pirates de San Jaume) will be able to advise and guide from his position as vice-president.

The rest of the board will be made up of Miguel Caselles (Filá Contrabandistes de Xàbia), who will act as treasurer, whilst Helena Ter Veld (Filà Xibia) will continue as secretary of the board. The rest of the filaes have renewed or maintained their representatives on the committee.

The Junta appreciates the work that was carried out by Rubén over the past four years, especially in the difficult context of the pandemic, and congratulates and offers its full support to Abel as its new president.

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