Valencia collaborates with Xàbia to develop a Tourist Info Network program in the town


Turisme Comunitat Valenciana signs an agreement with the municipality for the maintenance of the tourist information offices.

17-Javea Port

The Generalitat Valenciana has authorised a collaboration agreement between Turisme Comunitat Valenciana and Xàbia Council for the development of the Tourist Info Network programme through the maintenance and updating of the municipality’s tourist information offices.

This agreement aims to provide an information service on the municipality’s tourist attractions and the entire range of tourism products in the Comunidad Valenciana.

Specifically, through this agreement, both administrations collaborate in the operation and maintenance of the tourist information offices located in the municipality, known as Tourist Info Xàbia Port, Tourist Info Xàbia Arenal, and Tourist Info Xàbia Centre.

In this way, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana makes available the databases and public tourist information it has to the Tourist Info offices located in Xàbia, enabling their coordinated action with the rest of the offices in the Tourist Info Network, supporting and strengthening quality management, and providing the tools and procedures for the office’s continuous improvement.

It will also provide tourist information staff with a professional profile appropriate for providing the tourist information service, maintaining the image of the tourist offices in accordance with the rest of the Tourist Info Network, and participating in the network’s quality objectives and in its systems for collecting and exchanging statistical information, studies, and service evaluation, among other tasks.

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