Daniel Sousa winner of Xàbia’s 2nd International Award for Journalism and Sustainable Tourism


Sousa: “The problem isn’t tourism itself. We’ve all been or will be tourists in our lives. We shouldn’t have tourismophobia. The problem is the industrial tourism model that causes uneven tourism development. “

0314 NEWS Premis · Daniel Sousa 1

The 2nd Xàbia International Award for Journalism and Sustainable Tourism, organized by Casa Mediterráneo and Xàbia Council, has been awarded journalist Daniel Sousa, for his podcast “No es turismofobia, es urbanofilia” which was published in EL PAÍS.

The award was presented by Xàbia mayor Rosa Cardona, and the General Director of Casa Mediterráneo, Andrés Perelló, who highlighted the importance of journalism in reflecting and analyzing the impact of tourism on cities. The ceremony was also attended by Rosalía Mayor and Cristina Arroyo, members of the jury, as well as members of the Municipal Council.

During his speech, Daniel Sousa expressed his gratitude for this recognition and emphasized the importance of generating an informed debate on the relationship between tourism and the urban environment. “The problem isn’t tourism itself. We’ve all been or will be tourists in our lives. We shouldn’t have tourismophobia. The problem is the industrial tourism model that causes uneven tourism development. That’s why the concept of urbanophilia, of loving our city and wanting to take care of it. Of having a tourism industry that respects it,” Sousa stated.

Andrés Perelló highlighted the role of journalism in raising awareness about these issues, explaining that this is an established and very important award given that the growing need to promote responsible tourism is increasingly evident. “We can have responsible tourism; it’s not about quality, it’s about quality, and that’s the key.” Along the same lines, the mayor Rosa Cardona reaffirmed the commitment of the Xàbia Council to promoting a sustainable tourism model, emphasizing that “if we want responsible, sustainable tourism that benefits everyone, it must also guarantee good conditions for those of us who live here. It must be a tourism that is good for both parties“.

The Xàbia International Award for Journalism and Sustainable Tourism was created with the aim of recognizing journalistic work in support of more sustainable tourism, promoting research and the dissemination of development models that balance economic growth with the protection of natural and cultural heritage. Participation in this second edition was outstanding, with numerous submissions from different countries.

The event concluded with a discussion in which attendees discussed the challenges and opportunities of sustainable tourism, exchanging ideas and proposals on how to move toward a more balanced and respectful model for towns and cities.

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