Rosa María Zamora Selva and José Leal Reina are 2025 Captains Filà Pirates of Sant Jaume


Elvira Vives and Ana Bisquert also begin their special responsibilities after being proclaimed Moorish and Christian Standard Bearers

0224 NEWS Mig Any MC 1

On Saturday, the Moros i Cristians de Xàbia started their 47th edition with the celebration of Mig Any, an event that brings together hundreds of members of the different filaes in order to kick off the new festive year together. The act of Proclamation of the Moorish and Christian Standard Bearers and the Presentation of the Captaincy represents a turning point that puts the finishing touch to the journey of these festive representatives, closing a stage and welcoming new faces that become the greatest exponents of the festivities in honour of Sant Jaume.

Elvira Vives Segarra from Filà Schaitans and Ana Bisquert Ribes from Filà Bandoleres took up the baton of being the main representatives of the fiesta for the next 12 months, officially becoming the Moorish and Christian Flag Bearers for 2025. And this year the Captaincy changed sides and the Christian Filà Pirates de Sant Jaume will hold the Captaincy, led by its Captains Rosa María Zamora Selva and José Leal Reina.

The Mig Any has also served to pay tribute to the 2024 officials who, with their dedication and performance throughout last year, made the fiesta shine at all times. With great emotion, the Standard Bearers Lucía Serrano and Vanessa Garrido and the Captains Filà Baharis, Txema Bengoa and Amaia Arrausi took their places for the final time with the Standard Bearers dedicating some emotional words as a farewell, thanking the warmth and support received. These words were echoed by the Captain of 2024, who expressed his gratitude towards all those people at the fiesta who have helped him carry out his duties.

The Mig Any celebration actually started on Friday night, the large fiesta family burst into Duanes de la Mar with an informal entraeta that filled the streets with colour and a good atmosphere. The following day, Saturday’s event began early with a large brunch that brought together a good number of members of the different groups who defied the bad weather to celebrate the beginning of the festive year.

At midday, the traditional Mig Any day entraeta took place, in which music and joy are its characteristic features. First, the troops of the Moorish side marched: Touaregs, Almoriscos, Almoradins, Xibia, Schaitans, Al-Tarik’s and Baharis. They were followed by the Christian side made up of Faciners, Ballesters, Trabuquers, Bandoleres, Contrabandistes de Xàbia and Pirates de Sant Jaume.

As usual, the central event of Mig Any took place in the afternoon in the Salones Carrasco where, on this occasion, 231 festeros came to enjoy a gala lunch and celebrate the formal proclamation of their new representatives. The event, simple in its structure, was a perfect vehicle to demonstrate the pride that all the Filaes feel for the fiesta and the esteem they profess for its top representatives. The mayor of Xàbia, Rosa Cardona and the councillor for Fiestas, Mavi Pérez, together with representatives of the festive committees of the municipality accompanied the celebration.

Aina Mengual and Iván Quiroga led the ceremony. Abel Moll, president of the Board of Fiestas for the last two years, gave way to the new president, Mónica Leal, who was received with cheers. The fiesta is proud of its first female president and who supported her throughout the day. Moll gave her the insignia that accredits her in office and, in deference to her work, Leal gave the outgoing president a commemorative scroll.

The 2024 Standard Bearers and Captains were welcomed with great applause. The high point of the event was experienced when the new Standard Bearers were proclaimed. First, Ana Bisquert, Christian Standard Bearer 2025, went to meet Rosa Cardona, Mavi Pérez and Mónica Leal to be given the band and symbols that make her the leader of the Christian troops. Next, Elvira Vives, the 2025 Moorish Standard Bearer, did the same to lead the Moorish troops.

When the time came to present the Captains of 2025, Rosa María Zamora and José Leal were received with a standing ovation. The Filà Pirates de Sant Jaume takes over from the Filà Baharis as Captaincy and begins a year full of excitement and effort. The Filà wanted to have an unusual gesture with its newly appointed Captains and gave them distinctive bands of the position they are now occupying.

After the emotional words of Lucía, Vanessa and Txema; the president of the Junta de Festes addressed those present to confirm the pride she felt in being part of and leading a fiestacharacterized by unity and brotherhood between Filaes. Leal had words of thanks for the Junta de Festes and all the members who, externally, contribute to her work as president, as well as the local council. She showed her total willingness to take on the new positions, whom she congratulated effusively. Not in vain, it is a coincidence that José Leal, Captain of the Pirates, is her father.

The Councillor for Fiestas and the Mayor closed the event by thanking Mónica for her performance and congratulating the new Standard Bearers and Captains for the great year they have ahead.

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