Javea Players: Pip Utton returns!


The actor will be performing two very different characters: Adolf Hitler and Francis Bacon.

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For anyone who’s seen Pip Utton in one, or several, of his many guises, we know you’ll be rushing to book your tickets. He will be performing at the Jávea Players’ Studio Theatre on 19th-22nd February at 7.30pm.

This visit he will perform two very different characters. Adolf needs no introduction, but don’t be deterred by the name. Looking uncomfortably like the Führer, Pip stands before a Nazi banner addressing his party faithful. He furnishes his audience with an acute anatomy of fascism; its ideological justifications; its poisoned utopias. They are in the presence of an utterly compelling idealist and are helplessly drawn in to his warped logic.

Hitler’s final performance seems over as he settles into pre-suicidal contemplation.  We know the rest. But Utton has reserved a sting for his tale. He has performed Adolf to much acclaim, including in Germany. Some of the content may offend.

Pip’s second offering is Francis Bacon. Described by Mrs Thatcher as “that dreadful man who paints those horrible pictures”, Francis Bacon remains one of the most challenging and controversial artists of all time. It’s impossible not to react to his work, or to Pip’s compelling performance.

Francis Bacon could spend his mornings painting, his afternoons and evenings drinking champagne and eating, and his nights roaming Soho dressed in fishnet stockings and a long leather coat looking for ‘rough trade’. His lifestyle full of alcohol, gambling and homosexual promiscuity has created an iconic enigma. One critic wrote: “Wry, spiky waspishness. Compelling and unsettling.” Contains strong language and swearing.

Tickets cost: €14, Box Office opens 17th February.  See www.javeaplayers.com for more info.

SOURCE: Javea Players

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