Jávea Players Panto: “He’s Behind You!”
Tickets still available for next month’s ‘A Little Panto on the Prairie’.

The local saloon is in danger of becoming a casino in a small town on the Prairie! Will the wicked Sheriff get his way? Will the Indians be a help or a hindrance? Will the Derby race have the right outcome? And why does a pesky rabbit keep interrupting?
Jávea Players’ A Little Panto on the Prairie promises to be a hoot. With Mexican henchmen named José and Hose B [think about it!] you get the idea of all the corny panto puns, jokes and risqué comments that Rich Lock could think of in his hilarious script.
Tickets are selling faster than Madame Moonshine’s liquor, so don’t delay. The show will run from 8th to 12th January 2025, four evening performances at 7.30pm with a matinée on Sunday at 3.00pm, in the Studio Theatre. Tickets only €12.50. For more information see: www.javeaplayers.com.