Xàbia marks 9 d’Octubre Valencia Day with prize-giving and music


The awards were presented in front of the town hall whilst this special day was closed with live music in front of the church.

By tradition, Xàbia celebrates October 9th Valencia Day by acknowledging the exceptional contribution to society made by its residents and local associations. In 2024, the 9 d’Octubre Vila de Xàbia Awards were awarded to the Asociació Meridià Zero scientific dissemination group and the Sant Sebastià Festival Commission.

The formal ceremony was held in front of the grand town hall façade in the early evening and the church square was packed with residents keen to honour the members of the winning groups whilst also celebrating this special day of the Valencian people together. In addition to the prize-giving, the dancers from Grup de Danses Portitxol performed several times, including the well-known and popular Folies del Portitxol.

Hosted by Fina Doménech, the event opened with a speech from Mavi Pérez, the councillor responsible for Culture, before Lucía Císcar took the stage to introduce the Comissió de Festes Sant Sebastià. Xàbia has regarded Sant Sebastià as its patron saint since the 15th century and the fiesta commission has worked hard to ensure that its feast day continues to be celebrated today. Císcar told how the commission evolved over the years, volunteers working hard to create a dedicated chapel inside the church of San Bartolomé and encouraging the population to once again honour the town’s patron saint.

Vicent Salvador, current president of the Fiesta Commission, received the award from councillor Pérez. Representing the Sant Sebastià family, a large group has come up representing the different stages of the commission up to the present day, he was visibly moved and shared the award with all of them, highlighting the important role of all the people who, at some point in their career since the 80s, has worked tirelessly to ensure that the fiesta does not die.

And then it was the turn of the Associació Meridià Zero. Miguel Ángel Sanchis, a physics professor at the University of Valencia, introduced the association, explaining how it was founded in 2009 and established itself as a reference in the promotion of science and technology in the Marina Alta. He told how it stands out for its outreach initiatives that include everything from visits to museums and universities, science weeks or courses to round tables and film forums. In addition, it publishes the magazine ‘Daualdeu’, which, with 25 editions, has become a benchmark in scientific dissemination in Valencia, being one of the longest-running publications in the municipality.

Xàbia Mayor Rosa Cardona presented the award to Josep Lluís Doménech and Catalina Luque. Doménech thanked the “hard core” of Meridià Zero for the award, which makes it possible for the association to continue tirelessly in bringing science to all kinds of audiences. To this end, she praised the story of the Russian scientist and creator of the first periodic table, Dimitri Mendeléyev, and the values ​​he acquired from his mother: “Always pursue the truth, in faith and in science” and how from her he learned that “science, without violence, but with love and resolution; puts an end to superstitions, falsehood and errors and how science, with the certainty of discovered truth and constant progress, allows us to have more freedom, common well-being and personal happiness.”

The mayor closed the event with a speech that highlighted the importance of the event as a call to unity among all the Valencian people and the defence of the identifying features that enhance the Comunidad Valenciana and are reflected in the municipality and in all its residents.

After the formal ceremony, as night fell, there was live music in front of the main door of the church of San Bartolomé with La Maria which was well-received by the public.

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