Xàbia issues edict restricting construction noise during the summer

Activities which cause noise and vibration likely to disturb will be restricted during certain hours in July and August.

In response to complaints from residents about the inconvenience of noise and vibrations caused by construction work as well as maintaining the quality of tourism of the municipality, Xàbia mayor Rosa Cardona has issued an edict which restricts those activities likely to generate such noises during the months of July and August.

From Monday 1st July to Saturday 31st August, throughout the municipal area of Xàbia, any activity capable of producing levels of noise and vibrations that may disturb residents cannot be carried out between 3.00pm and 5.00pm in the afternoon, and then from 8.00pm in the evening until 9.00am the following morning. And on Sundays and feast days (which, during this period, will be Thursday 15th August), all such noise is prohibited. This applies to works carried out in public and private places, indoors or outdoors, except for those deemed to be an emergency and municipal works.

Any works which cause obvious annoyance to residents may result in the town hall ordering an immediate suspension of those works causing the disturbance. The local police will also monitor compliance with the edict and will report violations that will be sanctioned in according to the legal provisions in force. Therefore, compliance with the edict is recommended, which will benefit the whole community.