Courses in Spanish available for residents in Xàbia

Registrations can be made through the HelpDesk at the OAC in Avenida Trenc d’Alba.

Spanish Flag (2)

Monday 3rd July 2023
Mike Smith

The Department of Resident Care in Xàbia, in collaboration with the Diputación de Alicante, has organised a new Spanish course for foreign residents in order to promote the integration of all the residents in the municipality.

The course will be held at the Escuela de Adultos de Xàbia in Avenida Ramón Llidó. Sixty places are available and registrations can be made during this week through the HelpDesk via email – – and places will be assigned in strict order of arrival of the applications.

The course has two levels – basic and intermediate – and will take place during the months of August and September. The level assessments will be made during the first week of August whilst the groups will be defined and composed during the second and third weeks. The classes will begin during the fourth week. Teaching material will be the responsibility of the students.