Xàbia reveals programme to raise awareness of gender violence during November

The council has preparer a guide with all the resources and accompaniment and support services that victims have available in Xàbia


Friday 4th November 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

The Department of Equality in Xàbia has presented the special programme of events and acts that will be taking place during the month of November that are aimed at raising awareness of gender violence.

Councillor Montse Villaverde explained that this year’s motto is “Qúestió d’Igualtat” (“A Question of Equality“) since her department believes that the way to eradicate violence against women is education in equality. And this is why part of the programme focuses on children and young people, offering co-education workshops in schools addressing the myth of romantic love. There will also be theatrical performances for all ages as well as forums to exchange views.

Xàbia will also continue to support the regional campaign to stop gender-based violence by collecting signatures for a petition at the weekly street market on Thursday 24th November whilst an institutional act to condemn gender violence will be held in front of the town hall at 12 noon on Friday 25th November.

In addition to the programme of events to raise awareness, the Department of Equality has prepared a special guide that compiles all the resources and services available in Xàbia to address gender violence. This publication, which will be launched on Wednesday 23rd November at 6.30pm in the assembly hall of the municipal museum, aims to make it easier to access all the resource available to a woman who is a victim of gender violence. These are free services which range from simple accompaniment to pshychological support and advice, regardless of whether or not the victim wants to report the situation.

The councillor explained the importance of having this discreet and accessible consultation tool since gender violence is something that is not talked about and in some cases, it is something that the woman does not even identify herself as a victim.