This week’s news in Spanish from Xàbia AL DIA

The most read articles in Spanish on Xàbia AL DIA (18-08-2021 to 24-08-2021)

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Monday 25th October 2021 – Compiled by CARLOS LÓPEZ

Thanks to our special collaboration with the team at Xàbia AL DIA, every week we list the most-read articles on their website from the previous seven days, written in Spanish so you can read the original – and maybe even practice for language reading skills.

Click on the links below to read the full versions of the most popular posts on Xàbia AL DIA this past week:

  1. Juliette Slama hace balance de su experiencia en Miss España tras lograr ser semifinalista
  2. Lluvias intermitentes y puntualmente intensas durante este viernes en Xàbia
  3. Recorre el refugio del puerto en 3D
  4. Roban una de las huchas solidarias para recaudar fondos para el cáncer infantil

Don’t forget, thanks to the collaboration between and Xàbia AL DIA, we’ll be providing more news than ever in English for our community in Xàbia.

Don’t miss a thing by subscribing to our weekly newsletter, which will be published each and every Sunday.