Work consolidating wall in the port suspended for the summer

The million euro project is put on hold until September.

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Monday 26th July 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith

The regional government’s Department of Territorial Policy has suspended the work being carried out to consolidate the cliff face in the port zone for the summer months, a project that has involved the construction of a concrete retaining wall between the old refuge/bunker and the fishermen’s cottages.

At the moment, a new retaining wall has been constructed at the point where the recent landslide occurred whilst another retaining wall has been created at the back of the old houses, built from cubes filled with limestone. Work will resume in September for a project that has an execution period of nine months.

Traffic is the area has now been re-opened and all the parking spaces in the fish market car park are now available.

The appearance of the port zone has been improved with a new wall. However, residents in the area have reported that the steps that lead from Camí de la Caleta del Port to the fish market car-park have been repaired, either by the regional government or by the council. However, this is not the case, for the flight of steps next to the fishermen’s cottages which is in a poor state of repair and, in many places, the steps have collapsed entirely.

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