600 triathletes will meet in Xàbia this weekend at the Edu Monfort Memorial TriXÀBIA

The TriXàbia moves towards parity with a 30% female participation and also sees the international registration grow.


Tuesday 20th September 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

The Club de Atletismo Llebeig kicks off its competition season this Sunday with one of the most important events in terms of infrastructure and participation, the tenth edition of the TriXàbia Memorial Edu Monfort, an event that will bring together 600 triathletes willing to enjoy the combination of swimming, athletics and cycling in a space as special as the Xabiera coast.

The event will be centred on the Arenal beach where the swimming section will take place and from where the bicycles and runners depart, which the finish line being on the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer. There will be two modalities: Olympic (starting at 8:30 a.m.) and sprint (with a staggered start from 10:30 a.m.).

The pull of TriXàbia crosses borders and every year international participation grows, highlighting this year the athletes from the Netherlands (more than 10% of the total participants). The percentage of women also increases in each edition, reaching this year 30% of the total registration.

The test, in addition to being committed to the environment (it has eliminated plastic from refreshment stations) also shows its commitment to inclusion, adapting to people with functional diversity and this year there will be 6 participants in the adapted modality.

Club representatives Madelane Powell, Gina Kaktus and Vicente Soldevilla, have encouraged the population to come out and encouraging the participants as well as enjoy all the spectacle that surrounds the event. They have also asked for understanding for the necessary traffic cuts, which are concentrated on Avenida del Pla and Primer Montañar, recommending that all people who want to access the south of the municipality during the hours of the test (Sunday morning) should use Camí Cabanes.

They also wanted to highlight the great role that the more than 150 volunteers who will collaborate with Protección Civil, Cruz Roja and the Policía Local so that the competition has the maximum security guarantees. They have also thanked the sponsors who support this triathlon and who will allow all participants to receive a very special gift such as a large capacity backpack to carry all the material used in this type of competition (wetsuit, shorts, shoes, etc.).

The councilor responsible for Sports, Alberto Tur, and the mayor José Chulvi both congratulated the club for its great organizational capacity, taking on demanding and important competitions such as TriXàbia, which fills the municipality with athletes from all over the region as well as other parts of the country as well as for its day-to-day work promoting sports practice among people of all ages.

The municipal officials appealed for citizen cooperation in the smooth running of the TriXÀBIA and encouraged sports fans to enjoy an event as visual as this one which also pays fond memories to young local athlete Edu Monfort.

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