10 cases of adverse effects reported for every 1,000 vaccine doses in Valencia

The most frequent side effects occur after the second dose and are pain at the injection site, headache or chills.

Tuesday 2nd March 2021 | MIKE SMITH

The Comunidad Valenciana has not identified any adverse reaction to the COVID vaccines so far unknown or that may be cause for concern. The most frequently reported events are fever, injection site pain, headache, dizziness, nausea, or diarrhea.

In general terms, the rate of adverse events reported for the three vaccines being administered in the Comunidad Valenciana stands at 10 incidents per 1,000 doses.

The Valencian pharmacovigilance system permanently monitors the vaccination process and, for the moment, has not identified adverse reactions other than those indicated by the laboratories in the vaccine leaflets.

To date, without differentiating between the three vaccines being administered, 8 adverse events have been reported in the Comunidad Valenciana for every 1,000 first doses administered (12 adverse notifications for every 1,000 second doses).

The vaccines that are being used in the Comunidad Valenciana are those of Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca. All three are equally valid to protect against infection and, in the event of any of the adverse effects mentioned in the package insert, the vaccination process does not end with the injection.

The newly vaccinated person always remains under observation for at least 15 minutes. The time is variable because, before the administration of the vaccine, the medical staff conduct an interview and ask about previous pathologies, known allergic reactions, contacts or COVID infections. Based on the answers, it is determined if the candidate is eligible to receive the vaccine and what risk they have of developing adverse reactions. The more danger, the longer post-vaccination observation time.

Before receiving the vaccine, the candidate is also informed that all vaccines protect against infection, but cannot cause it because they lack infective capacity, as well as that vaccination will reduce the probability of becoming seriously ill and dying, but that he or she should continue with preventive measures to reduce transmission.

Possible side effects are usually mild and short-lived

The medical team also reports possible drawbacks because the vaccine, like all medicines, can cause adverse effects, which tend to be more frequent after the second dose. They do not always appear and when they do occur, most are mild and short-lived.

The most common are pain at the site of injection, feeling tired, headache, fever, chills, or joint pain. Exceptionally, cases of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) have been recorded in people with a history and all recovered with the administration of adrenaline.

Information Source
Press Release – Generalitat Valenciana

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